The Patch Sheet: Making Connections

What are you connected to? In the production world, connections are made all over the place. From analog to the digital world, the right connections have to be made. It’s easy to identify the basic connections: audio stage source to console, video input to output, and moving light to network node. However, we often forget about the main connection: from the message to the heart. It’s about people! You can have the latest, coolest production gear and still fail to connect to your audience. In worship production, our goal is to connect people to Jesus and the message of the Gospel. So whether it’s worship on stage, pastor on stage, or baptisms off stage, church production techs have the opportunity to connect people to God. When you see your role through this lens, you begin to think differently. Don’t forget, you might be tucked away in the control room or behind the console, but you have important connections to make for the Kingdom of God. May your worship be a fragrant offering to the Lord, and may your skills be used to draw others to Jesus!


The Joy of Living for Christ


Culture of Growth