Building Relationships: Worship Team + Production Team
Production teams:
How often do we show up on Sunday morning, walk to our station, and take a seat? Especially, when our console show files are dialed in, Sunday mornings can become a turn-key system in our production minded brains. I’ve been there.
What if the worship team, production team, and pastoral team worked more closely together to present the Gospel?
Sure- your worship leader already met with the pastor and picked out songs for the service, but you have an opportunity to check in with the worship team and make sure they are feeling confident from a technology standpoint. The difference between a good in-ear mix and a bad one can change the confidence level of a worship team member.
What if we leveraged our knowledge of production technology to build relationships, trust, and confidence for our friends on stage?
We should be connecting with our teammates! When our teammates get to know us and our heart for serving them, they will begin to trust us more. Our teams should be working together to present the Gospel through the corporate worship experience.
Maybe you are not the best conversation starter- that is okay. Remember that you get to sit behind a wall of technology, while the worship leader has to lead out on stage in front of everyone. The more our worship leaders can let go of technical needs, the more they can focus on engaging the congregation with Gospel truth!
This is just a starting point. The idea is to build trust and relationships throughout the team. The goal is to find ways to help your worship teammates!